


Beitrag von ßßßß »

zumindest bei übergewichtigen scheint es nichts zu helfen

Key Points

Question What is the effect of multinutrient supplementation and food-related behavioral activation therapy on prevention of a new episode of major depressive disorder among overweight or obese adults with subsyndromal depressive symptoms?

Findings In this 2 × 2 factorial randomized clinical trial that included 1025 adults, there was no significant difference in episodes of major depressive disorder over 1 year of follow-up with multinutrient supplementation vs placebo (54 [10.5%] vs 51 [9.9%]) or with food-related behavioral activation therapy vs no therapy (48 [9.4%]) vs 57 [11.1%]).

Meaning These findings do not support the use of multinutrient supplementation or food-related behavioral activation therapy for prevention of major depressive disorder.

JAMA. 2019;321(9):858-868. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.0556

deutsche zusammenfassung z.b.
Ärzte Zeitung, 14.03.2019 MooDFOOD-Studie